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Sheers Completed!!

This is just a short update. The title says it all. Last night I stayed up late and finished laminating the starboard sheer into position. Late today, I sanded down the excess glue. The sheers are completed except for fairing and possibly adding reinforcement later in the fairing process.

The longitudinal pieces of the boat have been a challenge physically for me and I am glad that it is done. The best part, of course, is that the boat has a definite shape now. The long pieces really define the shape and its very satisfying to me to see all this come together.

So without further ado here are the few photos I have for this update.

The first photo shows the cut at the scarf joint for the second lamination. The first laminations scarf joint is further aft between the next set of frames. I did not want the scarf joints on the two laminations to overlap each other so I moved the second laminations joint further forward. This photo was before the scarf joint was made. Since Ive shown this process before, I did not include new photos of that process in this update.

And these last two photos show the glue up in process last night. This was actually quite stressful as it was after midnight, I was tired, and it was still quite warm in the garage. The epoxy was kicking off fairly quick so I had to work very fast, hence the stress.

So I have a variety of small tasks to accomplish, mostly related to cleaning up glue and touching up encapsulation before I begin the next phase of the build, namely fairing the hull. I wont go into that process now but it is a lot of work required to get the hull ready for planking.

So thats it for now. Take care. 


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